Unleashing Innovation 2024: Call for contributions!
The technology and innovation programme is excited to host its Innovation Campaign Week, as part of the Unleashing Innovation campaign, between the 13-17 May 2024.
During this week, we will explore the emerging and transformative technologies at the heart of UK research and innovation.
In a year where technological breakthroughs have brought generative AI, Quantum, web 3.0 and automation technologies to the apex of public imagination and brought UK science, technology and innovation to the forefront of UK policy, it has never been more important to focus on the opportunities of adopting and applying innovation to help people, society, the economy and the planet.
As such, this week will investigate how to leverage the UK's strengths across emerging technologies to push forward the application and commercialisation, highlighting best practice on industry and government collaboration that is enabling success.
As the trade association for UK technology, techUK is well positioned to explore how key emerging technologies can help deliver strategic advantage to the UK, while advocating for their sustainable, equitable and ethical application. This week will take place 13-17th May.
Please note all insights submitted for the themes below should emphasise their role in making the UK a world pioneer in technology and innovation
The technologies we will be featuring this week are:
Monday: Quantum Commercialisation: How do we action the UK Quantum Strategy to develop a world-pioneering quantum economy?
Tuesday: Semiconductors: How do we build an internationally competitive semiconductor industry in the UK? (Event: How will semiconductors drive forward the net zero transition?)
Wednesday: Applied AI and compute: How do we get next-generation and innovative application right for people and for businesses?
Thursday: Gaming and Immersive technologies: How to turn current leadership into future success. (Event: Exploring the future of Esports)
Friday: Robotics and Automation: Increasing adoption for the UK robotics and automation sector.
All insights need to be submitted by the 26th April, please see below for more information on this.
Innovation Summit
All these technologies (and more) will also be debated and explored at our Innovation Summit on the 19 June. This May campaign week will directly feed into the themes discussed at the Summit.
Tech and Innovation summit 2024
techUK’s flagship Innovation Summit returns on Wednesday 19 June to traverse the extraordinary and ground-breaking discoveries made possible by the application of emerging and transformative technologies.
Call to action
We are looking for insights, thought leadership pieces and case studies from members to help explore the above themes! All techUK members and stakeholders can submit one piece. Due to high demand, we cannot guarantee more than one insight per member. We welcome a variety of formats so that you can decide what would best fit your company. The contribution guidelines are as follows:
These will be published on our website as an insight page.
Between 600 – 1,000 words long.
Can include images, infographics and videos/vlogs (see below guidelines about submitting vlogs).
Add links throughout your text.
Please download our blog submission form here (instructions here), fill it in and submit alongside your content.
These will be published on our website as an insight page.
Between 3 to 6 minutes.
YouTube link or MP4 file.
Title for the video and any intro text.
Examples: #1
Email us your video through https://wetransfer.com/. Instructions here.
*For all submitted content, we require a headshot of each author, a brief biography, and the logo(s) of your organisation/company, so please ensure this is sent alongside all material.
Please send your submission through to Laura Foster (for Quantum, AI and compute, and semiconductors) and Rory Daniels (for Robotics and Automation, and Gaming technologies and immersive tech ) by 26th April. Content that is submitted after the deadline may not be promoted via techUK's social channels - this is crucial to increase visibility.
Part of techUK’s innovation campaign - Unleashing Innovation
The UK is home to emerging technologies that have the power to revolutionise entire industries.
From quantum to semiconductors; from gaming to the New Space Economy, they all have the unique opportunity to help prepare for what comes next.
However, we need to have the right mechanisms in place to enable these tech businesses to flourish. This is where techUK comes in.
techUK is central to shaping UK emerging technology policy. Together with our members we can build the right environment for innovative ideas to grow into new businesses.
We are helping industries leverage emerging technologies to address productivity, sustainability and skills-based challenges. We are dedicated to ensuring the UK is a place where tech business can thrive, preparing for the challenges of today and tomorrow.
techUK – Unleashing UK Tech and Innovation
The UK is home to emerging technologies that have the power to revolutionise entire industries. From quantum to semiconductors; from gaming to the New Space Economy, they all have the unique opportunity to help prepare for what comes next.
techUK members lead the development of these technologies. Together we are working with Government and other stakeholders to address tech innovation priorities and build an innovation ecosystem that will benefit people, society, economy and the planet - and unleash the UK as a global leader in tech and innovation.
For more information, or to get in touch, please visit our Innovation Hub and click ‘contact us’.
Tech and Innovation Summit, 6 Nov (rescheduled date)
Emerging technologies will be debated and explored at our annual Tech and Innovation Summit, taking place on 6 November. This campaign week will directly feed into the themes discussed at the Summit.
techUK’s flagship Tech and Innovation Summit returns to traverse the extraordinary and ground-breaking discoveries made possible by the application of emerging and transformative technologies.
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Learn more about our Unleashing Innovation campaign:
Sprint Campaigns
techUK's sprint campaigns explore how emerging and transformative technologies are developed, applied and commercialised across the UK's innovation ecosystem.
Activity includes workshops, roundtables, panel discussions, networking sessions, Summits, and flagship reports (setting out recommendations for Government and industry).
Each campaign runs for 4-6 months and features regular collaborations with programmes across techUK.
This campaign explored how the UK can lead on the development, application and commercialisation of space technologies and ultimately realise the benefits of the New Space Economy.
These technologies include AI, quantum, lasers, robotics & automation, advanced propulsion and materials, and semiconductors.
Activity has taken the form of roundtables, panel discussions, networking sessions, Summits, thought leadership pieces, policy recommendations, and a report.
Get in touch below to find out more about techUK's ongoing work in this area.
Event round-ups
Get in touch
This campaign has explored how the UK can lead on the development, application and commercialisation of the technologies set to underpin the Gaming & Esports sector of the future.
These include AI, augmented / virtual / mixed / extended reality, haptics, cloud & edge computing, semiconductors, and advanced connectivity (5/6G).
Activity has taken the form of roundtables, panel discussions, networking sessions, Summits, and thought leadership pieces. A report featuring member case studies and policy recommendations is currently being produced (to be launched in September 2024).
Get in touch below to find out more about contributing to or collaborating on this campaign.
Event round-ups
Get in touch
Running from July to December 2024, this campaign will explore how the UK can lead on the development, application and commercialisation of web3 and immersive technologies.
These include blockchain, smart contracts, digital assets, augmented / virtual / mixed / extended reality, spatial computing, haptics and holograms.
Activity will take the form of roundtables, workshops, panel discussions, networking sessions, tech demos, Summits, thought leadership pieces, policy recommendations, and reports.
Get in touch below to find out more about contributing to or collaborating on this campaign.
Event round-ups
Upcoming events
Get in touch
Campaign Weeks
Our annual Campaign Weeks enable techUK members to explore how the UK can lead on the development and application of emerging and transformative technologies.
Members do this by contributing blogs or vlogs, speaking at events, and highlighting examples of best practice within the UK's tech sector.
Tech and Innovation Summit 2023