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Central Government

The Central Government Programme represents the supplier community of technology to the UK Government. We advocate for the industry, evangelise tech as a solution to public sector challenges, facilitate market engagement and help make the public sector an easier market to operate in. We help members make the most out of the public sector tech opportunity, and help government become a more intelligent customer for tech, ultimately driving value for money and improved public services for citizens.

Welcome to the Central Government Hub

All techUK's work is led by our members - techUK members can keep in touch, get involved in our work and stay up to date with the latest events and opportunities in the programme by signing up to our newsletter and mailing list. Scroll down to view recent insights, upcoming events and opportunities, and sign up to our newsletter and mailing list.  



Procurement Week 2024

From Monday 30 September to Friday 4 October techUK will be holding Procurement Week. The Procurement Act 2023 is set to go live in October 2024 and it will bring changes to procurement in the UK public sector, aiming to create a simpler and more flexible commercial system, open up the market to new entrants such as small businesses and social enterprises, and embed transparency.

Central Government Groups and Councils

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Central Government Council Members

The primary role of techUK’s Central Government Council is to represent technology suppliers who supply to Government, lead the debate on new technologies, optimise the use of existing capabilities and engage with departments and the centre. The council works to set the strategic direction of techUK's Central Government Programme, reflecting techUK member priorities and providing a means for the public sector to engage with industry.


techUK Public Services Board

As our senior forum for public sector tech suppliers, the PSB creates the environment for the UK tech industry to collaborate across the whole of Government to enable the delivery of world class, affordable public services. The PSB aims to: Improve the engagement between Government and the tech industry; Provide leadership on policy issues related to public services transformation; Champion better use of technology to drive efficiencies in Government and transform our public services.

Our value 

The value of the Central Government Programme

Learn about the value members get from our work.


Calling all potential speakers 


Upcoming events   

Central Government Programme Activity  

Event Round-Ups Event Round-Ups


News and Views News and Views


Transforming Public Sector Services with AI: A Vision for the Future


Policy Policy


Campaign Weeks Campaign Weeks


Stay up to date! 

Central Government updates

Sign-up to get the latest updates and opportunities from our Central Government programme.





The value of the Central Government Programme

Learn about the value members get from our work.


Meet the team


Become a techUK member

Our members develop strong networks, build meaningful partnerships and grow their businesses as we all work together to create a thriving environment where industry, government and stakeholders come together to realise the positive outcomes tech can deliver.

Learn more

techUK Escrow

Whether your business is to sell software, or if you rely on software for everyday business; you need software escrow to ensure business continuity. techUK has been offering competitive business critical data and software escrow services for over 30 years to a global customer base.

Learn more