Modern Slavery Policy

techUK is committed to doing business in a fair and responsible manner.  We take a zero tolerance stance in relation to the use of slavery or human trafficking and we expect both our direct supply chain and our Members to do the same. 

techUK is not within the scope of The Modern Slavery Act 2015 due to our size, however we believe commitment to these principles should be universal whether enshrined in legislation or not. 

Abuse of any human right, any form of modern slavery, involvement in any human trafficking activity, any child, forced, bonded or compulsory labour or servitude, by or in relation to the Suppliers or Members themselves, or the Suppliers or Members supply chain will not be tolerated. 

We assume that in joining techUK as a Member or in agreeing to supply us with goods or services, you are making a commitment to adopting and promoting these values in your own business and supply chain.

If you cannot adhere to these values please contact us on [email protected] (FAO Company Secretary), otherwise your continued membership and/or working relationship with techUK shall be deemed acceptance of this commitment. 

techUK has detailed policies and procedures in place for dealing with matters such as treating employees fairly, acting in a transparent manner, protecting human rights and other fundamental rights at work such as freedom of association and elimination of discrimination. All employees have been provided with training to ensure these policies are adhered to in the workplace and as with any company policy, disciplinary procedures are in place in the event of any violation of our policies and procedures.