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CDW is the world's leading trusted advisor to public sector organisations, delivering $6bn of solutions globally each year. Our unparalleled scale, buying power, value for money, close interworking relationships with leading IT partners and technical expertise help ensure success. CDW, in partnership with Intel, has the in-house expertise and range of technology solutions to support organisations in their digital transformation journey at every step. At CDW, we invest in the expertise of our people so that our customers can focus on running profitable businesses, not on managing their IT. We bring the best technology and industry know-how in the world together to help you solve complex challenges, simply. CDW are already a trusted technology partner to 200+ NHS organisations across the UK, offering an unparalleled breadth of products, services and solutions. Our understanding of the unique requirements for the healthcare sector enables our customers to adopt technology solutions that increase productivity, improve patient safety and streamline access to information when making clinical decisions. To get in touch with a member of our Healthcare team, please email [email protected]. To find out more, please visit https://www.uk.cdw.com/about/public-sector/nhs-and-private-healthcare/ 


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Netcompany is one of Europe’s fastest growing and most successful IT services companies, leading the way in showing how digital transformation can create strong, sustainable societies, successful companies and better lives for us all. Our ambition is to become the market leader within IT services in Europe. The acquisition of Intrasoft in 2021 has strengthened our foundation to achieve that ambition - further expanding our portfolio of platforms and unique expertise across sectors with a global headcount of +6,500 talented employees. By building flexible, scalable and secure digital platforms, Netcompany is positioned to help Europe thrive through a decade of massive digitisation. Find out more at https://netcompany.com/en-gb