Katharine Fuller
Katharine is COO of TechWM 'voice of west midlands tech businesses' and the not for profit cluster body supporting businesses, organisations and individuals in the West Midlands Tech sector to successfully coordinate and boost the growth potential of the regional ecosystem to be a £100bn tech economy by 2030. As COO Katharine’s role is to manage the business as it delivers against objectives in Support, Skills, Investment, Globalisation and thematic areas of AI, 5G, Women in Tech, ESG, Cyber under the leadership of CEO Yiannis Maos and working with our regional partners.
In addition Katharine provides support to businesses directly in navigating the innovation ecosystem and to organisations to maximise the potential of their initiatives through collaboration.
For over 15 years Katharine has worked in the West Midlands innovation district specialising in emerging digital tech and cleantech and has supported many businesses from start-up to sustainable profitability and exit. For 10 years, Katharine specialised in challenge-led innovation, finding tech solutions to societal and corporate challenges which led to many public-private partnerships and helix-model collabs, regionally, nationally, and internationally with multi-million budget control.
Katharine has had speaking engagements and delivered transnational innovation programmes in Europe, US and Asia focussing on challenge-led innovation best practice and business growth through partnership. Katharine is an independent expert for the EU Commission and an assessor for Innovate UK. Katharine also provides consultancy to a small portfolio of clients – in business, academic and public service.
Katharine studied Economics and has an MBA with prestigious triple accreditation “Triple Crown” from AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business); AMBA (Association of MBAs) and EFMD/EQUIS (European Foundation for Management Development / European Quality Improvement System).