Local Public Services Digital Transformation: Where are we now and how we move forward in 2022?
Following techUK’s Future Gazing: Where Next for Local Government Tech in 2022? briefing where we made our tech predictions for the year ahead, we reconvened industry with local government to put some of those insights into action and and discuss the specific digital technologies that could play a key role in supporting local public services digital transformation in 2022.
We were delighted to hear from representatives from across industry and local government. The session covered everything from the future of work to getting the basics right to enable emerging technologies, such as Robotics Process Automation, to succeed. We heard first hand the digital vision and ambition of Redbridge and Liverpool council and they also shared their reflections on how the pandemic has catapulted their digital transformation and plans and outlined what's next.
Speakers included:
- Emeran Saigol, Operational Director Digital, Customer Experience and Community Safety, London Borough of Redbridge
- Alison Hughes, Assistant Director ICT, Digital & Customer, Liverpool City Council
- Christopher Davey, VP - Solution Architecture (Integration), WSO2
- Drew Smith, Government Relations Manager, UK & Ireland, Zoom Video Communications
You can watch the full recording below.

Georgina Maratheftis
Georgina is techUK’s Associate Director for Local Public Services
techUK – Building Stronger Local Economies
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