23 May 2023

Event round-up: Cabinet Office Digital Team Strategic Delivery Partner Follow Up Event

A summary and recording of this popular event.

On Tuesday 16 May techUK was pleased to host the Cabinet Office Digital team for a further hybrid market engagement event on their upcoming Strategic Delivery Partner requirement.

Following the successful initial market engagement event on its Strategic Delivery Framework, Cabinet Office Digital used this session to playback the findings they gathered from conversations with suppliers at that first event, as well as from the post-event questionnaire.

This follow-up event also provided suppliers with the opportunity to ask the Cabinet Office Digital team further questions, as well as the chance to network with other suppliers (both primes and SMEs) who might be interested in bidding for this opportunity.

You can view the full recording of the event here:

Cabinet Office Digital Team Strategic Delivery Partner Follow Up Event

Heather Cover-Kus

Heather Cover-Kus

Head of Central Government Programme, techUK

Jill Broom

Jill Broom

Head of Cyber Resilience, techUK

Ellie Huckle

Ellie Huckle

Programme Manager, Central Government, techUK


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