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techUK provides an united and recognised voice for the industry by representing the interests of techUK members in distribute ledger technology (DLT) industry forums, standards bodies, platform operators and with other stakeholders. We position DLT as an emerging enterprise solution to establish trust for value and information exchanges. techUK considers actions taken to industrialise, support technology readiness, help organisations with adoption and consider use cases across sectors.

How blockchain will build the metaverse

techUK's Making the Metaverse campaign recently released a miniseries exploring the technologies that will build the metaverse - including blockchain. You can watch below

Watch here

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Upcoming events

17 February 2025

Roundtable: UK Plan for Chips: Turning strategy into action

techUK HQ, 10 St Bride Street, London, EC4A 4AD Roundtable
25 February 2025

Robotics & Automation Sector Meetup

techUK, 10 St Bride St, City of London, London EC4A 4AD Networking


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Get involved

All techUK's work is led by our members - keep in touch or get involved by joining one of the programmes below.


Tech and Innovation

techUK’s Technology and Innovation Programme explores key transformative technologies driving the UK’s digital economy, society and Industry 4.0 including AI, digital identity, cloud, data analytics and emerging technologies such as quantum and RPA. By exploring the convergence of technologies and identifying opportunities to drive adoption and deployment and conducting horizon scanning to identify future technology trends it ensures techUK remains relevant as the technology industry evolves.


Financial Services

techUK's Financial Services and Payments Programme builds a greater understanding of the 'technological art of the possible' in order to apply it to the reform and evolution of the financial systems. The programme focuses on: digital banking, insurance, payments, cyber security, financial inclusion and the adoption of distributed ledger technology. The programme also represents the voice of the tech industry in the fast-evolving policy and regulatory developments affecting the sector.

Become a techUK member

Our members develop strong networks, build meaningful partnerships and grow their businesses as we all work together to create a thriving environment where industry, government and stakeholders come together to realise the positive outcomes tech can deliver.

Learn more

For more information please contact: 

Laura Foster

Laura Foster

Associate Director - Technology and Innovation, techUK