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Tuesday 5 October | 09:30-12:30 UK Time | Online | Free to Attend

For the very first time at the start of a next mobile generation initiative there has been a national effort to show-case the UK’s research capacity to address the next-generation, 6G, of research challenges.


Cluster 2 will be welcoming those with an interest in thinking long term about that vital wireless resource – radio spectrum. It coincides with thinking just starting internationally on what 6G might be. The SPF certainly has a better idea of this after the three outstanding showcasing workshops hosted by the Universities of Bristol, Strathclyde and Surrey. It has shown us where our research strengths in the spectrum part of 6G are, where the research priorities should be and also where there is a significant gap.

The Cluster 2 meeting with begin with an introduction by the Chairman to make sense of all the different claims as to what 6G is going to be and the role of spectrum in determining which of them is even feasible.

Then something novel is going to be tried. A brainstorming breakout session, led by Prof Bob Stewart, on what a high performing 6G research collaboration model might look like. This is the significant gap the initiative has identified. It is unfinished business from the Expert Panel. The problem? The UK has its 6G relevant research spread across 25 Universities and much is remarkable well hidden. We have to put this right if we are to be internationally competitive. A strawman collaboration model will be presented and let’s hear ideas from all the different viewpoints on what “a class” UK 6G research collaboration model might look like.

Finally, we will come back into Cluster 2 session and Prof Stewart will present the results of the Expert Panel he has chaired. Our intention, in the limited time, is to stimulate interest in responding to the SPF public consultation on the Report on the results of this initiative and the recommendations from the Expert Panel.  The views we receive by 15th October that are in-scope and within the word limit (to make the editing job manageable) will be published in the final edition of the Report the Cluster 2 Chairman will compile. The SPF will send the Report to DCMS as a rich source of evidence and ideas to facilitate a national approach to 6G.


  1. Will the real 6G please stand-up?
  2. Introduction by the Chairman of Cluster 2
  3. Break-out brainstorming session on a high performing 6G research collaboration model – led by Prof Bob Stewart

Presentation by Prof Stewart of the results of the Expert Panel.

A possible collaboration model:

Some Ideas Regarding Collaboration Slides by Bob Stewart on initial collaboration ideas


Public Consultation:


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