Call for contributions: Cloud Week 2024!

techUK is excited to announce its annual cloud computing week, 22-26 April, bringing you news, views and insights on how cloud continues to reshape how we live and work. Cloud Week is an opportunity for the techUK community to explore key issues and highlight new ideas and thought leadership from our members.

We are inviting members to share case studies, expertise and best practice through blogs, vlogs, and social media, and participate in several events during the week

The theme for Cloud Week 2024 is productivity. The UK has well-documented productivity challenges and sluggish economic growth, so the key question for this campaign week is:

How can cloud computing boost productivity and contribute to strong, sustainable economic growth?

We are asking members to think about how cloud computing (and related technologies) can help businesses and the public sector be more efficient, innovative and productive.

More detail on daily themes

The key topics for each day will be:

Monday: Digital transformation and business productivity

  • How can cloud-enabled digital transformation help business of all sizes and in all sectors be more efficient and productive? What role do cloud native technologies and application modernisation have in delivering more efficient products and services? 

Tuesday: Public sector cloud

  • What are the key challenges and opportunities for public sector in benefitting from cloud-enabled productivity gains and how can cloud help us deliver more efficient public services?

Wednesday: FinOps and GreenOps

  • What role do cost control and sustainable best practices have in making businesses more efficient and ensuring cloud computing contributes to strong and sustainable growth?

Thursday: Multi-Cloud and Hybrid-Cloud

  • How can hybrid and multi-cloud solutions enable the benefits of cloud across different industries? What are the key challenges and opportunities of multi-vendor strategies and how can we mitigate barriers to interoperability and portability?

Friday: Accelerating innovation

  • What is the role of cloud in helping organisations access and benefit from emerging and enabling technologies like HPC, AI, IoT, Edge and Quantum? How can these technologies help boost productivity and what are the key use-cases in different industries?

How to contribute? 

techUK members can submit a one or two contributions by Friday 12 April 2024. Please note that due to the popularity of last year’s campaign week spaces may be limited so members are encouraged to contact us early to discuss contributions and confirm your participation. Please email [email protected] for more information.

If we exceed the maximum number of contributions for the week then your submission could be published later in April or May.

We welcome a variety of formats so that you can decide what would best fit your company. Here is what you can submit and some guidelines:


These will be published on our website as an insight page.  

  • Between 600 – 1,000 words long 
  • Can include images, infographics and videos/vlogs (see below guidelines about submitting vlogs) 
  • Add links throughout your text 
  • Download our blog submission form here (instructions here), fill it in and submit.  


These will be published on our website as an insight page. 

  • Between 3 to 6 minutes  
  • YouTube link or MP4 file 
  • Title for the video and any intro text 
  • Examples: #1 

Social Media Clips

These will be published on our social media channels primarily and spotlighted on our campaign week page. Create a 30 to 90 seconds (max 2min) speaking to camera video, responding to and expanding on key questions relating to the theme of that day. Please contact us to discuss in more detail. Examples: #1 , #2 

For all submitted content, we require a headshot of each author, and the logo(s) of your organisation/company, so please ensure this is sent [email protected] alongside all material. 

Events & speaking opportunities

techUK will also be hosting several panel discussions during Cloud Week and there may be speaking opportunities for members.

  • 22 April: Cloud transformation and the UK’s productivity crisis (Hybrid)
  • 23 Apr: Opportunities for a more productive and efficient public sector (Webinar)
  • 24 Apr: GreenOps, dark data, and a sustainable approach to cloud computing (Hybrid)

More details with links to event pages will follow shortly. 

Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in putting forward a speaker for any of these sessions. Please note spaces will be limited.

All content must be submitted by Friday 12 April 2024 Content that is submitted after the deadline may not get social promotion which is crucial to increase visibility of the submitted work. You can see examples of content from Cloud Week 2023 here.

techUK's Technology and Innovation newsletter

If you’d like to start receiving information about relevant events, news and initiatives via techUK’s monthly Tech Tracker Newsletter, please subscribe here and join the Technology and Innovation contact preference.

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Cloud computing and the path to a more sustainable future

This techUK insights paper highlights the commitment of our members to a sustainable approach to cloud computing and sets out six core best practice principles for a greener future for the tech sector.

Find out more


Chris Hazell

Chris Hazell

Programme Manager - Cloud, Tech and Innovation, techUK

Sue Daley OBE

Sue Daley OBE

Director, Technology and Innovation

Laura Foster

Laura Foster

Associate Director - Technology and Innovation, techUK