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Holyrood Connect’s annual Public Sector Data Summit will return to Edinburgh on 20 March 2024.

The use of data in digital technologies within the public sector has skyrocketed in recent years. It is crucial that we understand how to maximise its potential to help us make informed decisions and deliver the best possible outcomes for our customers. 

Through a variety of session formats, including keynote addresses, panel discussions and interactive masterclasses, the event will provide real-life examples of data use within the public sector for delegates to learn from. 

Delegates will gain insight into:

  • How do we get the basics right on data
  • How do we effectively bring together the use of AI and data
  • What skills are required to optimise your business intelligence and data maturity
  • How can data make a positive difference in your community
  • The importance of data ethics

To find out more about the event, please click here.

Sponsors will have access to a lead capture app, interactive demo zone, and excellent engagement opportunities throughout the event. For more information about partnership opportunities, please contact [email protected].