techUK is convening a workshop to examine the opportunities presented by the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the transport sector.
Never before has there been more attention given to how this technology can disrupt our economy. Transport in particular stands to benefit immensely from its adoption, from automated mobility and self-driving vehicles to predictive maintenance and advanced analytics.
Given this transformative impact, the Department for Transport (DfT) is currently developing its AI Strategy. This leads on from the publication of the Government’s AI White Paper, that set out the national approach for leveraging and regulating AI across the economy. In it, the Government outlined 5 principles to inform the responsible development and use of AI in all sectors:
Safety, security and robustness
Appropriate transparency and explainability
Accountability and governance
Contestability and redress
This workshop will focus on the specific implications for the transport sector. It will consider how we can make the above principles applicable to the industry, while also seeking views on the opportunities that can be created by transport-specific applications.
More specific questions are currently being developed and will be made available in the coming weeks.
The output from the session will be a piece of though-leadership developed by techUK that suggests to Government how it might look to encourage the use of AI in transport, while employing a regulatory approach that is both responsible and supports innovation whilst safeguarding against the risk.
The session is in-person only and kindly hosted by Capita at their London office. Given limited capacity in the room, we will be running two sessions at the following times:
- Morning session: 10:00-12:30
- Afternoon session: 14:30-16:00
To secure a spot, please email [email protected] in the first instance to express your interest and if you would prefer to attend the morning or afternoon session. We will notify those that have secured places by no later than the W/C 11 September 2023.
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