*This event will be fully virtual, taking place via Microsoft Teams.

Purpose of event

The UK has international and domestic obligations to provide modern slavery specific support to victims who have been referred into the National Referral Mechanism (NRM), the UK framework for identification of victims, to assist in their recovery.  Adult potential and confirmed victims of modern slavery can access specialist support in the NRM through the government funded Modern Slavery Victim Care Contract (MSVCC) in England and Wales. The MSVCC provides three core pillars of support: secure accommodation where necessary, financial support, and access to a dedicated support worker to help the victim access wider support, such as support provided by local authorities, asylum services, and the NHS.

The current MSVCC is a five-year contract ending in June 2025, and the Home Office is now exploring options to replace this contract through the VS25 procurement project. This procurement provides the opportunity to re-imagine how we support victims and the opportunity to drive innovation and efficiencies. Our policy design approach includes:

  • Positive Outcomes for individuals through needs-based support and targeted support: provide targeted, specialised support which sufficiently assists individuals to gain independence and move on from contracted support with reduced potential for re-exploitation;
  • Simplify and clarify support entitlement: develop clear end-to-end processes that are delivered consistently, ensuring that victims and professionals are fully aware of the support purpose and entitlement available under the new contact and across wider state support services;
  • Better join-up between support services: encourage better join-up to enable efficiencies, avoid duplication and increase partnership working in order to develop a holistic approach to support and deliver value for money;  
  • Be flexible and responsive to changes in demand: be adaptable to changes in needs and numbers of individuals who require support, as well as iteratively responding to best practice and opportunities for innovation.

Data collection, tech intentions and design interests:

  • Improving data sharing arrangements and consistency in data capture: this should be across platforms between various agencies involved in the victim journey e.g., Local Authorities, NGOs, MSVCC and the Home Office;
  • Innovative case management systems: data should be easily captured, reviewed and reported on. We want to be able to identify trends and make better informed decisions around support, map end-to-end user journey’s, improve processes, support workflow and measure the impact of the support delivered for the cost;
  • Ease of use: the system should be user friendly with multiple user access available, appropriate security and safety measures, and flexible to allow adaptions to be made with ease;
  • Innovative delivery of support services: be able to utilise technology and different platforms of delivery such as apps, online courses and virtual communities to expand and enhance the range, access to and impact of the support services on offer.


You will see below a list of SIX problem statements. Once you have registered, please complete the following form to select out of the six statements which TWO you feel you are in the best position to answer. If you register and do not complete this form ahead of the session, you will be randomly allocated a problem statement discussion group.

Problem Statement 1

  • How can technology be used to enable better join-up between support services to drive efficiencies, avoid duplication and improve value for money through increased partnership working across different agencies/ organisations and developing a holistic approach to support?

Problem Statement 2

  • How can technology be used to simplify policy and processes end-to-end to minimise interpretation over the entitlements, processes, and exit. Ensuring that individuals can exit the specialised contract and enter wider state support in line with our legal obligations, reaffirming the intention of the policy which is to provide short term specialised support?

Problem Statement 3

  • How can technology be used to enable the Home Office to be responsive and adaptive to changes in numbers, cohorts of victims or their needs to assist victims in sustainable recovery to rebuild their lives with reduced potential for re-exploitation?

Problem Statement 4

  • How can technology be used to deliver support interventions directly to victims of modern slavery, taking advantage of innovation and best practice that will assist victims in their recovery?

Problem Statement 5

  • How can technology be used to reduce administrative burdens in the supply chain, particularly for support workers and automate the way in which forms can be filled out?

Problem Statement 6

  • How can technology be used to evaluate support services, measure victim outcomes and understand/breakdown costs?
Georgie Morgan

Georgie Morgan

Head of Justice and Emergency Services | Fraud and Economic Crime Lead, techUK

Georgie joined techUK as the Justice and Emergency Services (JES) Programme Manager in March 2020, progressing to Head of Programme in January 2022. Her portfolio then expanded in January 2024 where she now leads our work across fraud and economic crime. 

In her current role, Georgie leads techUK’s engagement and initiatives across the blue light and criminal justice sectors. She works closely with industry and stakeholders to drive innovation, address challenges, and anticipate future needs, while showcasing the critical role technology plays in delivering essential public safety and justice services. Through the JES programme, she provides a platform for suppliers, helping them navigate and establish themselves in the blue light and criminal justice markets.

Before joining techUK, Georgie spent four and a half years managing a Business Crime Reduction Partnership (BCRP) in Westminster. Collaborating with the Metropolitan Police and local councils, she focused on mitigating the impact of crime on the business community. Her efforts spanned addressing low-level street crime and anti-social behavior to managing critical incidents and violent crime.

[email protected]

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Cinzia Miatto

Cinzia Miatto

Programme Manager - Justice & Emergency Services, techUK

Cinzia joined techUK in August 2023 as the Justice and Emergency Services (JES) Programme Manager.

The JES programme represents suppliers, championing their interests in the blue light and criminal justice markets, whether they are established entities or newcomers seeking to establish their presence.

Prior to joining techUK, Cinzia worked in the third and public sectors, managing projects related to international trade and social inclusion.

[email protected]

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