Please note: registerations for this event are now closed!!!

On the 26 March from 13:00 - 15:00 we are delighted to be hosting the Home Office Data Services and Analytics (DSA) team for an industry briefing on the DSA portfolio and their upcoming procurement. The use of Data Services and Analytics is a portfolio of work within the Home Office Digital Data and Technology (DDaT) department which delivers data services and leads the use of data within the Home Office particularly in relation to Border and Immigration services. The strategic vision is to provide shareable data services which:

  • Provides a platform for consolidated data and related shared services that secure, transform, persist, access and manage Person, Object, Location and Event (POLE) data
  • Delivers the system of record for Home Office data which enables automated digital checks on status
  • Integrates data in a system of insight that delivers leading analytics services

The Home Office Data Services and Analytics (DSA) department also intends to run a Further Competition to place a contract for C19810 - Data Products & Management Information Re-engineering support services as set out below: 

  • Transformation of (casework) system data into usable, structured formats to support public live beta dates for operational areas and ensure continuity of informed operational decision making.
  • Re-engineering of DSA products to incorporate data from new data systems (the in-country immigration system in the current context).  This will be to a Minimum Viable Product scope to enable expedient delivery to a public beta rollout timetable. Teams will work with operational stakeholders to negotiate MVP scope, continuous improvement requirements and non-MVP elements. 
  • Continuous delivery of live services (including maintenance of Warnings Index integrity and communication of Status information across the Home Office).
  • Continuous delivery of Management Information and Operational reporting to support Ministers and Senior Leaders through EU Exit implementation and the replacement of data systems (and their associated functions).
  • Management Information capability to provide a service across the Home Office and OGDs that will transform the utilisation of data to protect our citizens. 

The aim of this event is to provide industry with early visibility of this key service, introduce the services requirements, and outline the procurement process. If this sounds like something you're interested in make sure to book your place now!

Please note: The Home Office reserves the right to withdraw the Pin Notice and proceeding procurement at any time without notice. 

Heather Cover-Kus

Heather Cover-Kus

Head of Central Government Programme, techUK

Ellie Huckle

Ellie Huckle

Programme Manager, Central Government, techUK

Annie Collings

Annie Collings

Programme Manager, Cyber Security and Central Government, techUK

Austin Earl

Austin Earl

Programme Manager, Central Government, techUK

Ella Gago-Brookes

Ella Gago-Brookes

Team Assistant, Markets, techUK