Defence Digital’s Digital Identity for Defence team will run an industry day to engender conversations between MOD and Industry around current MOD thinking, allow industry to respond and enable MOD to produce viable ITTs and forward-looking plans for investment.

This is an opportunity for the supply base to understand the imminent procurement requirements and help the team shape those requirements ahead of the release of any tenders. Further, it will allow Defence Digital to share the Commercial Pipeline for future procurement opportunities, and suppliers to network and identify how they might work together.


0930-0940 - Introduction and welcome

0945-1030 - Programme Update

1030-1115 - Upcoming Procurements - Deep Dive

1115-1130 - Break

1130-1215 - Digital Identity Next Generation

1215-1300 - Lunch

1300-1400 - Commercial Pipeline

1400 - Networking

Fred Sugden

Fred Sugden

Associate Director, Defence and National Security, techUK

Raya Tsolova

Programme Manager, techUK

Jeremy Wimble

Jeremy Wimble

Programme Manager, Defence, techUK

Tracy Modha

Tracy Modha

Team Assistant - Markets, techUK

Defence Programme

The Defence Programme works to help the UK’s Defence technology sector align itself with the MOD, specifically with the department’s Defence Digital organisation. The programme aims to help the sector remain at the forefront of technology exploitation. Our members play a vital role in supporting the MOD to procure digital technologies in a way that generates added value for end-users across the Defence ecosystem, from internal business functions to frontline operations.

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