Kicking off techUK’s Cloud Week 2024, we are excited to host this panel discussion asking how cloud computing can help boost productivity and contribute to strong, sustainable economic growth. This event will explore the challenges and opportunities of cloud modernisation and the potential for cloud-enabled digital transformation to unlock productivity in businesses across the economy.

The UK has well-documented productivity challenges and sluggish economic growth, so we are asking members to think about how cloud computing (and related technologies) can help businesses and the public sector be more efficient, innovative and productive. 

The panel will discuss how cloud and related technologies can help organisations and employees be more efficient, the practices and tools businesses should adopt to fully leverage the benefits of cloud, and the barriers to more widespread digital transformation. We will also consider what more industry and government can do to spread the benefits of digital transformation more widely across sectors and regions of the economy. 

Speakers will include:

  • Adrian Bradley, Head of Cloud Transformation, KPMG
  • Vicky Wills, Chief Technology Officer, Exclaimer
  • Marcus Bonner, Chief Technologist, HPE
  • Chris Tuite, Director - UK Central Government, Microsoft Azure
  • Marcus Bearden, Senior Director, Slalom 


15:00-15:15 Arrival

15:15-15:30 Opening remarks from techUK and KPMG

15:30-16:45 Panel session

16:45-17:30 Networking and refreshments hosted by KPMG.

Cloud Week 2024

We are inviting members to share case studies, expertise and best practice through blogs, vlogs, and social media, and participate in several events during the week

Find out more


Chris Hazell

Chris Hazell

Programme Manager - Cloud, Tech and Innovation, techUK

Sue Daley OBE

Sue Daley OBE

Director, Technology and Innovation

Laura Foster

Laura Foster

Associate Director - Technology and Innovation, techUK