15 Sep 2022

Market Briefing with South West Yorkshire Foundation Trust (SWYFT)

Mandy Griffin, Non Executive Director at SWYFT and Calderdale Integrated Care System (ICS), gave an overview to members of her experience working within the NHS both on the delivery side as a Director of Digital Health and COO, and now as an NED, providing insight into how suppliers can best work with the NHS on digital transformation projects.

Mandy covered the challenges inherent in digital transformation, including:

  1. Understanding the current state of digital maturity
  2. An in-depth understanding of the problem you are trying to solve
  3. Securing appetite from the board
  4. Funding
  5. Scope

Mandy also covered the importance of partnership working across Trusts, with suppliers as well as more broadly with contracting specialists, recruitment agencies and others.

In particular, Mandy emphasised the importance of sharing knowledge around digital transformation across the NHS, reducing unnecessary delay and making the most of available funding.

You can watch the full recording here:

Robert Walker

Robert Walker

Head of Health & Social Care, techUK

Viola Pastorino

Viola Pastorino

Junior Programme Manager, Health and Care Team, techUK

Clara Hewitt

Clara Hewitt

Programme Manager, Health and Social Care, techUK

Tracy Modha

Team Assistant - Markets, techUK