23 Nov 2023

‘It’s fine, it’s in the cloud...’ (Guest blog from Fujitsu)

Authors: Chris Swann, Cyber Security specialist at Fujitsu and Marcus Delves, Cyber Security Lead with 15+ Years experience at Fujitsu.

You may have read this title with a wry smile, reminiscing of a time when someone said something similar; unfortunately, you are not alone. In the era of digital transformation, businesses are gravitating towards cloud for agility, scalability, and operational efficiency. While the cloud offers numerous advantages, it rivals Charlotte with a complex web of cybersecurity considerations and a team which lives for ‘attention to detail’.

Remember it's not just about being in the cloud; it's about being secure in the cloud.

This blog highlights ten core facets of cloud security as well as emphasising the need for alignment between the boardroom decisions and cybersecurity initiatives.

  1. Understanding the Shared Responsibility Model

Embarking on a cloud journey necessitates a profound grasp of the Shared Responsibility Model. This model precisely delineates the responsibilities between the cloud service provider (CSP) and the customer. While the provider manages the security of the cloud infrastructure, the customer is entrusted with securing data, applications, identity management, and compliance within the cloud.

  1. Data Encryption and Privacy

Securing data takes precedence in the cloud environment. Robust encryption protocols are imperative to protect sensitive information from unauthorised access in transit and at rest. Close attention to data residency and sovereignty regulations is crucial to ensuring compliance with regional privacy laws.

  1. Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Effective control over access to cloud resources is paramount. IAM assumes a key role in managing user roles, permissions, and authentication, therefore mitigating the risk of unauthorised access. Implementation of the principle of least privilege ensures that users are granted only the access necessary for their specific roles.

  1. Continuous Monitoring and Incident Response

The dynamic nature of the cloud mandates continuous monitoring for swift detection and response to security incidents. Automated monitoring tools meticulously scrutinise activity logs, identify anomalies, and trigger immediate responses. A practical incident response plan regularly tested… think a school fire drill, becomes indispensable to minimise the impact of security breaches.

  1. Security Assurance of your Supply chain

Assessing the security measures of cloud third parties is critical when entrusting them with your data. Don’t overlook due diligence on certifications, compliance measures, and data protection commitments as this is necessary to ensure a secure partnership.

  1. Employee Training and Awareness

Human error remains a significant contributor to cybersecurity incidents. Regular employee training sessions on cloud security best practices, phishing threats, and secure data handling cultivate a culture of security awareness, thereby reducing the risk of inadvertent breaches.

  1. Security Audits and Compliance Checks

Audits are essential for assessing vulnerabilities, ensuring compliance with industry and company policy as well as validating the effectiveness of your security controls. Regular checks of configurations, permissions, and access logs are vital for maintaining a secure cloud environment.

  1. Data Backups and Recovery

In the event of data loss or a security incident, robust data backup and recovery procedures become indispensable for business continuity. Regular testing of these procedures ensures swift recovery and minimal disruption.

  1. Network Security in the Cloud

Protecting the integrity and confidentiality of data in the cloud necessitates robust network security measures. Implementation of firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and secure network configurations forms fundamental components of a comprehensive strategy.

  1. Engaging with the Cybersecurity Team

For a smooth move (yes it can be done), early engagement of the cybersecurity team in cloud migration is crucial. Doing so ensures a secure foundation, akin to a well-structured morning routine. The cloud, our operational canvas, demands their proactive involvement to mitigates delays further down the track. Emphasising the need to align stakeholders from the start establishes a collaborative, informed approach, mitigating risks in the complexities of migration. Early engagement with the cybersecurity team is key, ensuring everyone is on the same page and steering our cloud migration journey towards success.

Take a breath… so… while the allure of the cloud is undeniable, robust cybersecurity practices are non-negotiable. Organisations must acknowledge that security is a shared responsibility, demanding a holistic approach (people, process, technology); For us, we will look at any security problem through 6 lenses: Adaptive, Predictive, Sustainable, Automated, Connected, and resilient.

In short, by addressing these cybersecurity considerations and aligning boardroom decisions with the guidance of your cybersecurity teams, businesses can confidently and speedily navigate the cloud landscape. Remember it's not just about being in the cloud; it's about being secure in the cloud.

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