30 Aug 2022

Call for blogs | Digital Trade Campaign Week 2022 #techUKDigitalTrade

Through blogs and case studies we're calling for members to showcase what is digital trade and why it matters #techUKDigitalTrade


A different theme has been assigned to each day of the week, and through blogs and case studies we want members to explore the concept of digital trade, the role of data flows and international regulatory cooperation, how technology is shaping trading processes and what comes next, beyond free trade agreements.

If you would like to contribute, we would require a blog piece of around 400-600 words, a blog title, and a 150-character description for the sub-title*. You can read our contributor guidelines in more detail here. The blogs will feature on the techUK website and will be promoted via Twitter and LinkedIn throughout the week.

The themes for the week are as follows:

  • What is digital trade and why it matters: defining and explaining digital trade and its role for the wider economy.
  • International Data Flows: outlining the importance of data flows and of the bans on data localisation.
  • International Regulatory Cooperation: highlighting how and on what topics like-minded countries are working or should be working together on to remove barriers to digital trade.
  • Paperless Trading: showcasing the role of technology in simplifying and digitising trade.
  • The future of digital trade beyond FTAs: putting forward ideas for what comes next, how to achieve digital trade objective outside or beyond free trade agreements.

*also note the team can also re-purpose relevant drafted content and transform them into publishable insights.

Please send your blog through to [email protected] no later than Friday 28 October. 

Sabina Ciofu

Sabina Ciofu

Associate Director – International, techUK

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