At techUK we are committed to driving more diversity and inclusion into the UK scale-up ecosystem

Join our webinar to hear from leading women in scale-ups on actionable recommendations for the next government, along with how industry are already leading the way to embed diversity across their organisations.

As we approach a general election, supporting high-growth firms to scale and innovate, whilst also placing diversity at the heart of this, has never been more paramount.

Don’t miss out and sign up now.

Liz  Ashall-Payne

Liz Ashall-Payne


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Casey Calista

Casey Calista

Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Vorboss

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Mireille Elhajj

Mireille Elhajj

CEO, Astraterra

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Hollie Hodgson

Hollie Hodgson

Head of Account Management, Tussell

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techUK's Weekly New Government Newsletter

While techUK will still be offering analysis of the new Government in Policy Pulse, we'll be further covering all of their key announcements and offering ad-hoc newsflashes for our members. Members can sign up to receive updates by emailing us below

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The Public Policy Group is a forum for senior public policy, public affairs & government relations professionals interested in influencing or understanding the policy landscape impacting the technology industry. The group discuss issues at the top of the political agenda, as well as seeking to identify, highlight and establish industry consensus on the latest developments.

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