The three previous Cluster 4 meetings in 2020 have focussed on WRC-2023 agenda items which arose from IMT/ Mobile industry proposals to WRC-2019.

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1. Intros – Kumar Singarajah, Chair of UK SPF Cluster 4

2. Presentation by Mohaned Juwas from Intelsat on WRC-23 AI 1.15


3. Presentation by Mari Neri from Telesat on WRC-23 AI 1.16.


4. Wrapup

The ITU-R Resolution 811 (WRC-2019) text for the two topics.

  • 1.15 to harmonize the use of the frequency band 12.75-13.25 GHz (Earth-to-space) by earth stations on aircraft and vessels communicating with geostationary space stations in the fixed-satellite service globally, in accordance with Resolution 172 (WRC-19); 
  • 1.16 to study and develop technical, operational and regulatory measures, as appropriate, to facilitate the use of the frequency bands 17.7-18.6 GHz and 18.8-19.3 GHz and 19.7-20.2 GHz (space-to-Earth) and 27.5-29.1 GHz and 29.5-30 GHz (Earth-to-space) by non-GSO FSS earth stations in motion, while ensuring due protection of existing services in those frequency bands, in accordance with Resolution 173 (WRC-19);

If you have any comments or suggestions please get in touch.

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Notes and slides from previous Cluster 4 WRC focused events

WRC-23 agenda items 1.2/1.3

WRC-23 agenda item 1.5

WRC-23 agenda items focused on the upper 6 GHz band

Sophie Greaves

Sophie Greaves

Head of Telecoms and Spectrum Policy, techUK

Tales Gaspar

Tales Gaspar

Programme Manager, UK SPF and Satellite, techUK

Matthew Wild

Programme Assistant - Markets, techUK