SME Online Forum

SME Online Forum is a monthly session for techUK's SME members. Each month, we'll focus on a different topic important to SME members and hear from thought leaders and professional to support your business. The session also provides a opportunity to discuss and network with peers and colleagues.

Social Value

Delivering social value is essential in partnering with the public sector and transforming services. In fact, Central Government agreements already include at least 10% weighting towards social value within their evaluation criteria. And today’s customers and employees increasingly make purchasing decisions based on how companies treat society and the planet..

In this session, we'll be joined by Ella Grant, Managing Director for Advice Cloud, to discuss some of the key topics of social value. During this session, we'll cover some of the following key questions on social value:

  • What is Social Value from a Buyer’s perspective?
  • How can SMEs compete with Large organisations on Social Value in tenders?
  • How to showcase your Social Value in a compelling way
  • Case Studies  


Ella  Grant

Ella Grant

Managing Director, Advice Cloud

Find out more