The JCNSS welcomes written evidence for its new enquiry into ransomware. The Integrated Review identified ransomware - a type of cyber extortion - as one of the most "pernicious forms of cybercrime", and the 2021 National Cyber Strategy described it as "the most significant cyber threat facing the UK".

techUK will be developing a submission based on engagement with members and are hosting a roundtable for initial member input on the following topics: 

  • The extent and nature of the ransomware threat (including sources), modes of extortion, and how the threat could evolve in future; 
  • Levels and sources of vulnerability of UK organisations to ransomware, including operators of critical national infrastructure; 
  • The UK victim experience, including sources of support for prevention, detection and recovery, public-private partnerships, the role of the media, access to and availability of insurance cover, and regulatory requirements places on ransomware victims; 
  • The effectiveness of the response to ransomware by Government, law enforcement agencies and other UK state actors, including key operational challenges and ministerial oversight; 
  • Reforms that might enhance the UK's resilience to ransomware, reduce the economic and societal damage that it causes, and/or support the law enforcement response; 
  • The scope for international cooperation to combat the global ransomware threat more effectively, including on crypto-currency regulation; and 
  • Lessons that could be learned from other countries' approaches and responses to ransomware. 

techUK's submission will be developed on the following schedule:

  • Member input to techUK + Roundtable
  • First Draft circulated
  • Final Comments
  • Final Draft circulated to those who input
  • Submission on deadline

Individual company written evidence is also encouraged on the above topics by Friday 16 December and can be submitted here.

If you wish to input into the techUK submission, please send any written input to Raya Tsolova ([email protected]) by Wednesday 30 November. 

Fred Sugden

Fred Sugden

Associate Director, Defence and National Security, techUK

Raya Tsolova

Programme Manager, techUK

Tracy Modha

Tracy Modha

Team Assistant - Markets, techUK