The UK tech sector is just beginning to quantify their impact on the environment, now responsible for more emissions per year than commercial aviation. The hyperscalers are offering seemingly limitless storage with their cloud hosting offerings, effectively encouraging organisations to ‘lift and shift’/migrate entire system workloads to the cloud. Once there, it is rarely used or its purpose questioned.

  • Should we question practices of transferring all of this data to the cloud? Might there be a more efficient way for the environment, which would also reduce cost?
  • Just like the built environment is now in a retrofitting phase, improving heat efficiency through insulation and greener AC, might we do the same for our websites and apps?
  • How can we measure the impact?
  • How can we design interventions that work?
  • Could we embed a better approach to enterprise policy defaults?

The session will dig into how we can best measure the impact of digital services, the barriers, challenges and opportunities of measurement, how best to create a programme of interventions and improvements, and how we can continuously improve over time.



Anne Currie

Anne Currie

Community Chair, Green Software Foundation

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Gerry McGovern

Gerry McGovern


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Claire Robinson

Claire Robinson

Director of Sustainable Business Consulting, TransformUK

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Get in touch:

Craig Melson

Craig Melson

Associate Director for Climate, Environment and Sustainability, techUK

Margot Stumm

Margot Stumm

Head of Events and Sponsorship, techUK