techUK is hosting a virtual briefing with the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) bringing together their Justice Digital leadership team with the tech industry.

The session will explore how to shape solutions to the biggest challenges that MoJ face in delivering its strategic outcomes over the next 5 years and beyond:

  •  Protecting the public from serious offenders and improving the safety and security of our prisons;
  •  Reducing reoffending
  • Strengthening the justice system and delivering swift access to justice

Speakers include:

  • Mark Robinson, Director of Technology, Ministry of Justice
  • Kamal Bal, Digital Director, Ministry of Justice
  • Adam Boyse, Interim Chief Technology Officer, Ministry of Justice
  • Kate Shiner, Chief Operating Officer, Justice Digital, Ministry of Justice
  • Jennifer Chard, Commercial Director, MoJ Functions, Ministry of Justice 

We will also have a recorded message on the day from Gina Gill, Chief Digital and Information Officer, Ministry of Justice.


10:00 - Welcome, Introductions and Housekeeping (Georgie): 5 mins

10:05 - Recorded message (Gina):10 mins

10:15 - Commercial messages (Jennifer): 10 mins

10:25 - In conversation with Justice Digital Leadership Team (part 1): 40 mins

            Mark Robinson, Director: Technology Services

            Kamal Bal, Director: Digital

11.05 - Break: 15 mins

11:20 - In conversation with Justice Digital Leadership Team (part 2): 40 mins

            Kate Shiner, Chief Operating Officer

            Adam Boyse, Chief Technology Officer

12:00 - Overview of the known Pipeline of opportunities, MoJ Commercial Strategy inc use of Frameworks (Janet Rogers):15 mins

12:15 - Break (for Q&A panel to assemble):5 mins

12:20 - Q & A: 30 mins

12:50 - Next Steps and Thanks:10 mins

13:00 - End

The public sector is under more pressure and scrutiny today than ever before with transparency, efficiency and cost savings vital. There is an ever increasing need to leverage technology for what it can do for individuals across the CJS from improving capability to driving security and safety for its staff and users.

The MoJ released its Digital Strategy 2025 in April 2022, setting out the ambition to change the user experience of justice by providing simpler, faster and better services for everyone - and every area of the MoJ has already been transformed by the rapidly changing technology landscape. Delivering the changes planned will strengthen the wider justice system but there is need to look beyond the immediate future and explore emerging technologies and their potential to deliver future solutions

Join us for this virtual briefing with the Justice Digital Leadership Team to discuss:

  • The MoJ’s strategic objectives & priorities and how suppliers can help shape the solutions to its biggest challenges.
  • Commercial strategy & procurement approach. When does MoJ use frameworks and dynamic purchasing systems – and why ?
  • Delivering social value. This is essential in partnering with the public sector and service transformation. Central Government agreements already in include approximately 10% weighting towards social value within their evaluation criteria.

What are the MoJ looking for in terms of social value and, how are they monitoring what suppliers have committed to? How are the MoJ progressing social value?

This session will include a briefing from the MoJ followed by a discussion/ Q&A so please come prepared to get involved in the conversation.


Any questions, please reach out to the team using the details below.

Georgie Morgan

Georgie Morgan

Head of Justice and Emergency Services | Fraud and Economic Crime Lead, techUK

Georgie joined techUK as the Justice and Emergency Services (JES) Programme Manager in March 2020, progressing to Head of Programme in January 2022. Her portfolio then expanded in January 2024 where she now leads our work across fraud and economic crime. 

In her current role, Georgie leads techUK’s engagement and initiatives across the blue light and criminal justice sectors. She works closely with industry and stakeholders to drive innovation, address challenges, and anticipate future needs, while showcasing the critical role technology plays in delivering essential public safety and justice services. Through the JES programme, she provides a platform for suppliers, helping them navigate and establish themselves in the blue light and criminal justice markets.

Before joining techUK, Georgie spent four and a half years managing a Business Crime Reduction Partnership (BCRP) in Westminster. Collaborating with the Metropolitan Police and local councils, she focused on mitigating the impact of crime on the business community. Her efforts spanned addressing low-level street crime and anti-social behavior to managing critical incidents and violent crime.

[email protected]

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Cinzia Miatto

Cinzia Miatto

Programme Manager - Justice & Emergency Services, techUK

Cinzia joined techUK in August 2023 as the Justice and Emergency Services (JES) Programme Manager.

The JES programme represents suppliers, championing their interests in the blue light and criminal justice markets, whether they are established entities or newcomers seeking to establish their presence.

Prior to joining techUK, Cinzia worked in the third and public sectors, managing projects related to international trade and social inclusion.

[email protected]

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Ella Gago-Brookes

Ella Gago-Brookes

Junior Programme Manager - Justice and Emergency Services, techUK

Ella joined techUK in November 2023 as a Markets Team Assistant, supporting the Justice and Emergency Services, Central Government and Financial Services Programmes, before progressing into Junior Programme Manager in January 2024.

Before joining the team, she was working at the Magistrates' Courts in legal administration and graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2022.  Ella attained an undergraduate degree in History and Politics, and a master's degree in International Relations and Security Studies, with a particular interest in studying asylum rights and gendered violence.  

In her spare time she enjoys going to the gym, watching true crime documentaries, travelling, and making her best attempts to become a better cook.  

[email protected]

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