Richard Stephens, Chair of the Legal Affairs Group, continues to give this highly popular lecture on recent developments in contract law. In fact, it is now in its tenth year - it never fails to sell out, so early booking is highly recommended. 

Richard looks at the leading cases of the last twelve months and reports on their practical implications - what you need to do now going forward when drafting or marking up commercial agreements. While the actual content will depend on what further judgments appear between now and the date of the meeting, Richard aims to look at least at the following topics:

  • the "contract or not" cases continue to throw up a miscellany of approaches from the judges - this year has been no exception. What does happen when you start a project without a finalised contract in place?
  • "good faith" is developing in leaps and bounds: what is the current state of the law and how does it impact commercial agreements and how they are performed?
  • lawyers' use of good faith has produced much case-law - as does the persistent overuse of "reasonable" endeavours in modern drafting: we look at the latest and take stock
  • overuse of indemnities is also starting to throw up interesting decisions on what they mean
  • liquidated damages - how are they calculated following termination?
  • termination itself - what happens when it all goes badly wrong?

Richard aims not only to cover the law, but to distill out of it the learning points, what everyone - lawyer and non-lawyer - needs to take away.

Early booking highly recommended

Ruchika Kulkarni

Ruchika Kulkarni

Manager, Business Development and Customer Relationships