Arora Digital have pulled together an amazing panel of speakers to explore the opportunities afforded by the 5G Infrastructure.

5G provides the massive uplink bandwidth, and guaranteed low latency required for real-time video applications and analytics. This event will look at the various applications and the associated benefits .

Discussion point 1: Growth and opportunities arising from the 5G Infrastructure

Discussion point 2: Underlying architecture and the role of Mobile Edge Computing

Discussion point 3: Regulatory aspects

Discussion point 4: Telefonica / Deepsight case study (5G based security system)


  • BT: Neil McRae (MD Architecture and Strategy)
  • UCL: Larissa Suzuki (Head of Data /AI Practise)
  • Vodafone: Danny Kelly (Head of Innovation)
  • Telefonica: Alexandre Harmand (Head of Core and Service Platforms)
  • KPMG: Hafsa Ameen (Infrastructure Mobility)
  • KTN UK5G: Richard Foggie (Knowledge Transfer Manager - 5G )
  • North Tyneside Council: Paul Armstrong (Head of Digital)
  • Deepsight: Rakesh Channaiah (Co Founder) / Nishant Veer (Co Founder)