21 Jun 2023

Working with the Adult Complex Crime Team | Tackling VAWG and RASSO Impact Days

West Midlands Police (WMP) were under pressure to improve outcomes in Rape and Serious Sexual Offences (RASSO) cases, with challenges ranging from victim engagement to staff retention and effective partnership working. Coupling these challenges with a significant rise in the reporting of rape (+50% over 2 years), the Force could not continue to operate in the ways that it had been. A blog submitted by PwC for Tackling VAWG and RASSO Impact Days

Coupling these challenges with a significant rise in the reporting of rape (+50% over 2 years), the Force could not continue to operate in the ways that it had been. PwC worked with WMP to deliver new service designs for the Public Protection Unit and create new opportunities for the police and partners, notably victim support charities, to collaborate. The project with PwC spanned all teams involved in RASSO cases and improved outcomes around Victim Attrition, Wellbeing, Capacity and Capability.

Watch the video here;