The techUK podcast - Key considerations for doing business in the UK
International Trade matters for the tech sector and as techUK's Local Digital Index has shown this is also an important factor in assessing the strength of local tech ecosystems.
Hawksford's latest report "Doing Business in the UK" shows the importance of these global markets and helps companies plan and consider how they'll engage and do business across numerous different countries, with different regulatory systems, specialisms and tech priorities.
Listen to the fascinating and insighful discussion between Matt Robinson, techUK's Head of Nations and Regions, and Winnie Seow Mei, Asia Market, for Hawksford.
Download Hawksford's report here and learn more about techUK's Nations and Regions and International Trade and Policy work.

For more information please contact:

Matt Robinson
Matt is techUK’s Head of Nations and Regions.

Sabina Ciofu
Sabina Ciofu is Associate Director – International, running the International Policy and Trade Programme at techUK.