21 Nov 2018

techUK publishes ‘Manifesto for Matt’

New report sets out measures to fast-track digitisation of health and care

A Manifesto for MatttechUK has launched ‘A Manifesto for Matt’ – a report that sets out priorities for digitising the health and social care sector, aimed at Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock.

Upon receiving the report, Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock said:

 "I want the UK to have the most advanced healthcare system on the planet. My tech vision has set out how we can bring the technology of the future to the NHS by creating a culture of innovation and enterprise, to the benefit of both patients and staff.

 "I welcome techUK’s relentless focus on the future of healthcare, and look forward to working with them to make this vision a reality and cementing the UK’s status as the home of HealthTech."

The report, which was launched at techUK’s annual Health and Social Care dinner, sets out priorities for fast-tracking the long overdue digitisation of health and care, focusing on three areas:   

1. Empowering the public

2. Enabling a world-class workforce

3. Making the UK the destination of choice for health tech innovators

Speaking shortly before the launch, Ben Moody, Head of Health and Social Care at techUK said:

“There is broad consensus that the health and care system needs urgent digitisation. This is not about a lack of will – the public and clinicians are crying out for better tech – and the UK has thousands of health tech innovators looking to serve them.

However, the system is unwieldly and frustrates their efforts. Patients can get hold of drugs but not their own data and digital tools. Far too many of the workforce will leave their digitally-enabled home, put away their smart phone and tablet, and pick up a pen and paper when they arrive at work. And health tech innovators find their selves working in a sector often described as the most challenging of all.”

In producing the paper, techUK have worked with people in all corners of the health and care technology to propose solutions to the barriers faced in digitising the sector.

Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock addressed the recommendations in his keynote speech at the sold out dinner on Wednesday evening in London.