17 May 2023

Tackling VAWG and RASSO with Tech Impact Days

Get involved in techUK's 'Tackling VAWG and RASSO with Tech' Impact Days! Call for content...

'Prosecuting perpetrators, protecting and empowering victims: How is tech being used to tackle cases of serious sexual and violent crime?'

techUK is proud to announce 2023’s Impact Days (similar structure to a campaign week), giving techUK members, policymakers, and technical specialists within the Criminal Justice System (CJS) an opportunity to voice their ideas, experiences and expertise regarding digital technology’s role in tackling Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) and Rape and Serious Sexual assault (RASSO).

From 19- 21 June 2023, thought leaders working to tackle VAWG and RASSO can contribute to one or each day’s covered theme, this includes police forces  that have successfully adopted  solutions and services,  to protect and support victims of VAWG and RASSO, secure prosecutions of those committing offences, but also technology which is supporting frontline Policing’s response to incidents of serious sexual and violent crime. 

Each 'Impact Day' (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) will include its own theme within the subject of VAWG and RASSO, each covering a key area of interest for techUK members, and Government stakeholders within the development of digital tech solutions.

You can submit a blog, short video, case study or podcast to any or all of the following days – you decide!

Please note we will only be accepting 3 written blogs per day, so we strongly encourage you to share a short video, case study etc instead to guarantee it will be shared during the 3 impact days!) 

  • Monday – How is digital tech supporting victims of VAWG/RASSO within the Criminal Justice System?

  • Tuesday – How is digital tech being used within Policing’s investigation of VAWG/RASSO? 

  • Wednesday – How is digital tech being used to increase conviction rates of VAWG/RASSO perpetrators?  

If you would like to contribute, you can supply us with the following material/content; 

  • Blog piece; A blog submission must be around 400-600 words, including a blog title, and a 150-character description for the sub-title*. You can read our contributor guidelines in more detail here. 

  • Case study/Short White-paper/analysis Report; A white-paper or analysis report can be around 1000-2500 covering detail around a particular area of digital tech within business and Government operations/policymaking.      

  • Short video clip; A video snippet can include yourself talking in-front of a camera between 1min-15mins, this can recorded on any digital device/laptop.  

  • A podcast; you can record your own podcast with colleagues or customers and submit it or, alternatively you can speak with a member of the techUK team who can facilitate this and work with you to organise anyone else you would like to join the podcast. 

Please send content to [email protected] with the subject line VAWG and RASSO Impact Days | 19-21 June | Call for Content' no later than 09 June*

*Also note, we also require a headshot of each author, the title of the content, and the logo(s) of your organisation/company, so please ensure this is sent to [email protected] alongside all material

Justice and Emergency Services updates

Sign-up to get the latest updates and opportunities from our Justice and Emergency Services programme.

Georgie Morgan

Georgie Morgan

Head of Justice and Emergency Services, techUK

Georgie joined techUK as the Justice and Emergency Services (JES) Programme Manager in March 2020, then becoming Head of Programme in January 2022.

Georgie leads techUK's engagement and activity across our blue light and criminal justice services, engaging with industry and stakeholders to unlock innovation, problem solve, future gaze and highlight the vital role technology plays in the delivery of critical public safety and justice services. The JES programme represents suppliers by creating a voice for those who are selling or looking to break into and navigate the blue light and criminal justice markets.

Prior to joining techUK, Georgie spent 4 and a half years managing a Business Crime Reduction Partnership (BCRP) in Westminster. She worked closely with the Metropolitan Police and London borough councils to prevent and reduce the impact of crime on the business community. Her work ranged from the impact of low-level street crime and anti-social behaviour on the borough, to critical incidents and violent crime.

[email protected]

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Robert Walker

Robert Walker

Head of Health & Social Care, techUK

Robert joined techUK in October 2022, where he is now Programme Manager for Health and Social Care.

Robert previously worked at the Pension Protection Fund, within the policy and public affairs team. Prior to this, he worked at the Scottish Parliament, advising politicians and industry stakeholders on a wide range of issues, including rural crime and health policies.

Robert has a degree in Politics and International Relations (MA Hons) from the University of Aberdeen, with a particular focus on strategic studies and energy security. Outside of work he enjoys activities such as running, rugby, boxing and cooking!

[email protected]

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