04 Feb 2022

Digital planning and citizen engagement innovation showcase

Supplier spotlight in the digital planning and citizen engagement space.

techUK in partnership with UK PropTech Association and the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) held a virtual Digital Planning & Citizen Engagement Innovation Showcase on 18th January.

The event bought together over 130 delegates from across the tech industry and local government. It was a great opportunity for suppliers to showcase how their digital tools can be used to improve community engagement and broaden the range of voices represented in planning, and for local authorities to gain a better understanding of the innovation that exists by hearing first-hand relevant case studies. In the ninety-minute session we had 8 suppliers pitch how their digital tools can be used by local authorities to improve engagement and incentivise communities to positively engage in planning conversations, providing relevant case studies to bring it all to life.

Supplier spotlight

To give everyone the chance to showcase their digital innovation in this space we crowdsourced a supplier document for attendees to share more information about who they are and their solution. The supplier documents can be viewed here. If you’d like to contribute to it get in touch with Georgina Maratheftis.

The session was a great example of meaningful engagement with suppliers. You can watch the full session below which also includes DLUHC discussing their ambition in this space, including their work with local authorities to accelerate the use of digital engagement tools and inform best practice of how digital engagement can improve the planning process. 

Georgina Maratheftis

Georgina Maratheftis

Associate Director, Local Public Services, techUK

Georgina is techUK’s Associate Director for Local Public Services

Georgina works with suppliers that are active or looking to break into the market as well as with local public services to create the conditions for meaningful transformation. techUK regularly bring together local public services and supplier community to horizon scan and explore how the technologies of today and tomorrow can help solve some of the most pressing problems our communities face and improve outcomes for our people and places.

Prior to techUK, Georgina worked for a public policy events company where she managed the policy briefing division and was responsible for generating new ideas for events that would add value to the public sector. Georgina worked across a number of portfolios from education, criminal justice, and health but had a particular interest in public sector transformation and technology. Georgina also led on developing relationships across central and local government.

If you’d like to learn more about techUK, or want to get involved, get in touch.

[email protected]
020 7331 2029

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