19 Apr 2021

Defence Digital and techUK collaboration Code of Practice - April Update

The new signatures to the techUK and Defence Digital code of practice can be found below

techUK has released the new list of signatures to our collaboration Code of Practice in partnership with Defence Digital. Following last month’s update of the collaboration Code of Practice, techUK and Defence Digital are pleased to announce a further 9 additional signatories to the Code, bringing the total number of industry signatories to 92.

The new signatories to the code are:

Cisco International 


Grid Defence Systems

Improbable Worlds


Methods Analytics

Methods Business and Digital Technology



The updated list of signatories to the Code can be downloaded below, along with a copy of the Code of Practice itself.

techUK Defence Digital - Code of Practice Signatories - April Update.pdf techUK-Defence-Commercial-Business-Forum-Collaboration-Code-of-Practice-Final-1 (1).pdf