Creating an AI-ready education system | techUK Exploring the Future of Work Series

How can we create the dynamic training and education ecosystem needed to equip the workforce for an AI-enabled future?

Telecoms Security Act: Industry sessions - December 2024

Monthly industry collab sessions on the Telecoms Security Act

Defence Winter Dinner 2024

Our next Defence Winter Dinner will take place on Thursday 28 November. Book your place now!

Telecoms Security Act: Industry Sessions - November 2024

Monthly industry collab sessions on the Telecoms Security Act

London Health and Social Care Industry Dinner 2024

Our next London Health and Social Care Industry Dinner will take place on 21 November. Book your place now!

How to Secure Scale-Up Investment

Hear from investors and scale-ups on how to secure investment to scale your business.

Digital Ethics Working Group (November)

Quarterly meeting of the techUK Digital Ethics Working Group. Further details and agenda to follow.

Tech and Innovation Summit 2024

SME Online Forum: Preparing for External Funding with British Business Bank

Hear from the British Business Bank on preparing your business for external finance and the latest insights from the Small Business Equity Tracker.

Jobs, Automation & the Robotics Revolution | techUK Exploring the Future of Work Series

Come along to our event that will explore the challenges and opportunities created by the adoption of robotics and automation technologies in the workplace.